What is youth homelessness?
The National Center for Homeless Education defines homelessness and shares how practitioners can support the education of youth who experience homelessness. Click here to read the brief.
For more information regarding the trafficking and sexual exploitation of youth who have experienced homelessness, click here.
Youth homelessness in Waco
Waco ISD partnered with Baylor's Diana R. Garland School or Social Work to conduct a study of homeless youth enrolled in Waco ISD high schools. This research, done by Amy Jimenez, MSW, gives insight into the needs, strengths, and personalities of this specific population:
"The Cove Asset Map: By the Students, For the Students" by Amy Jimenez
"Voices of Unaccompanied Youth" (handout) by Amy Jimenez
"Strengths of Unaccompanied Youth" by Amy Jimenez
"Voices of Unaccompanied Youth: A Program Evaluation of the Cove" (presentation) by Amy Jimenez
The following articles discuss the impact homelessness has on the physical and mental health of youth:
Health Care Utilization in Homeless Youth by Evans, Handschin, and Giesel
Health-Seeking Challenges Among Homeless Youth by Hudson et al.
Comparison of substance-abuse, high-risk behavior, and depressive symptoms in homeless youth by Hudson & Nandy
The Walls Were Closing in and We Were Trapped: A Qualitative Analysis of Street Youth Suicide by Kidd
The following articles discuss perceptions and approaches for service providers:
The System of-Care for Homeless Youth: Perceptions of Service Providers by Brooks, Milburn, Rotheram-Borus, & Witkin
The California Homeless Youth Project developed a strategic plan to end youth homelessness through strategies around education, employment, supportive services, housing, and more. Click here to read more.
For great resources on advocacy, housing, and toolkits, visit the website for the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth.
Some of the guiding principles for the Cove's work can be found in this report: 9 evidence-based principles to help youth overcome homelessness.
A 2007 Report to U.S. Congress entitled Promising Strategies to End Youth Homelessness provides an in-depth look at youth homelessness, preventative interventions, effective interventions, and implications for policy and program development.
For resources and ways to help with youth homelessness during the pandemic, visit Homelessness During the Pandemic: What to Do and How to Help by MYMOVE.