Built to Last is The Cove’s strategic plan for 2024-26. The title, Built to Last refers to the important milestone The Cove will hit in 2026, 10 years of delivering services.
Vision: To end youth homelessness in the Heart of Texas
Mission: To provide a nurturing and supportive space for high school youth experiencing homelessness to thrive by gaining stability, having hope, and building meaningful relational connections
Along the way, The Cove is working toward three outcomes with our youth.
Stability in their housing and development
Hope in education and employment
Connection through meaningful relationships with family, peers, school staff, and their communities
To do this work, The Cove adopts three pillars of delivery.
Impactful programs
Key partnerships
Long-term sustainability
Under each of these pillars are priorities and performance impacts that help us know that we are making progress.
Click on the image to access the full document. We’d love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments.