Donate to The Cove
Thank you for your interest in supporting The Cove! we rely on the generous donations from people and organizations in our community to change the lives of homeless youth.
Our impact
Watch below to hear from youth about the difference The Cove has made for them. Your support helps make this work possible.
Our current needs
To determine quantities needed, contact Shelbey Herring and Yolexis Perez. Updated 08/26/2024
Socks (new)
Panties (new)
Men’s boxers (new)
Bras (new)
Shorts - men & women’s
Shaving cream
Cologne and perfume
Q-Tips (new)
Body wash
Deodorant (non gel)
Lotion – full size
Clear backpacks
Hair bonnets (new)
Hair spray
Edge control
Hair grease
Laundry pods
Oxy Clean (powder detergent)
Laundry hampers (collapsible)
Face wash
Face masks
Wash cloths (new)
Hand sanitizer
Hand soap (refill bottles)
Tissues - Kleenex
Paper Towels
Pre-made frozen meals
monetary donations
You can make an online single donation or reoccurring donation with a credit or debit card at the link below. Your generous online donation makes a difference in the lives of some of our community’s most vulnerable teens. Thank you for being a part of ending youth homelessness.
We also accept mail-in donations such as checks. If you prefer this method, you can send the check to the following address:
The Cove, 524 W. Waco Dr Suite B, Waco, TX 76701
In-kind donations
Check out our Amazon Wishlist for current needs at The Cove. All gifts purchased from our wishlist will be delivered directly to The Cove. Some of the common items we accept are nonperishable foods, hygiene items and paper goods.
Due to the limited space at The Cove, we do not normally accept clothing donations. The Cove has a partnership with Things From the Heart at 4014 Bosque Blvd. where Cove youth can use vouchers to shop for clothes, shoes, and other items for free.